Outplacement via Carrièrepoort

Outplacement with personal guidance
When an employee loses his job or has been made redundant and has to search for another job, Carrièrepoort offers the tools to quickly and professionally find a new, suitable position. As a partner of Danone, Carrièrepoort provides outplacement and career guidance.
For HR Business Partners, this page offers the necessary tools to inform employees and to register them for an outplacement process. With the Dutch and English factsheets- which you will find below the Downloads- you can inform employees about the possibilities of outplacement via Carrièrepoort. Registration of the employee for an outplacement process can be completed via the Application procedure below.

Registration criteria
The following employees can be registered for an outplacement program at Carrièrepoort:
- Dutch employees who are searching for a new position in the Netherlands.
- Expats who live/work in the Netherlands and want to find a new position in the Netherlands.
- Dutch employees abroad who are searching for a new job in the Netherlands.
Registration procedure
When an employee has become redundant and has signed a VSO, follow the steps below to register this person for an outplacement process:
- Describe the employee’s situation and his/her request for help during the outplacement process (for example; reorientation to the labor market, support for entrepreneurship).
- Request a PO number for the employee.
- Use the form below to register an employee for an outplacement program at Carrièrepoort. One of our senior coaches will then contact the employee concerned to schedule an intake interview.
At the bottom of this page you will find an overview of the senior coaches who supervise the outplacement processes. If you have a preference for a particular coach for the outplacement candidate, you can mention this in the registration form. However, we cannot guarantee that this coach will also be linked to the candidate.
Registration form

The Carrièrepoort Coaches

Carla Scholten
Senior Coach
Noord-Holland (Utrecht en Amsterdam)
'‘Wie zijn bestemming kent,
vindt de weg''.

Johan Eekma
Senior Coach
Zuid-Holland (Utrecht)
”Als je doet wat je altijd deed,
krijg je wat je altijd kreeg”.

Mayke Buiting
Senior Coach & Zangeres
''Het obstakel is de weg''!

Vincent Kuyvenhoven
Senior Loopbaancoach & Tainer
Noord-Brabant (Breda)
''Werk? Plezier! Positief! Power!"

Theo Schrager
Senior Coach & Bestuurderscoach
Noord-Holland (Amsterdam)
''Ontdek en ontwikkel jouw potentieel''!

Monique van der Hart
Senior Coach & Communicatiespecialist
Noord-Holland en Zuid-Holland (Den Haag)
”voor een succesvolle sprong
is de aanloop cruciaal”